Oh dear, such a long time since I ‘ve  written anything for this blog. Well, first of all, life has kind of gotten in the way, I am now a volunteer at the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, and there is just so much to see and learn and immerse yourself in there. I shall write a blog about this one day, but it will be a substantial effort so I need to sit down and concentrate! Then I joined a local Morris side, Dacre, and although I am still quite a long way from ‘dancing out’ myself, I went to Rochester and took a lot of photos, and I somehow feel there’s a blog in that!

Alas, digging opportunities are few and far between this year, and there’s nothing like one of those to get my blogging juices flowing, so here instead are some pictures of a very pleasant evening with the Greenwich FROG, we started off at the big jetty- now even more visible-  and worked our way down to the Cutty Sark pub where we watched the sun go down and set the world to rights over a couple of pints and some delicious cakes which someone was thoughtful enough to bring along! Not many words, but they say a picture is worth a thousand, so enjoy!

sand artbrickfindevening lightnewanother newview from the barOutside the 'Cutty Sark'pub